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Each piece is hand made. Whilst care and attention has been taken on each art work you may notice some imperfections, this is normal for hand made art pieces and should be viewed as part of the individual and unique piece you own.

Got any questions? Please feel free to reach out on the contact page!

How do I look after my textile piece?

You can not wash the rugs or wall hangings, please spot clean only soaking up any spills first and then using a damp cloth to wipe away.


You may notice the occasional thread 'rising up', this is normal, you can gently pull the thread to see if it is loose or cut using a sharp pair of scissors. 


I recommend you use a light hand held vacuum cleaner on a low setting to remove any dust. 


To maintain the vibrancy of the colours it is recommended not to place your items in direct sunlight. For the rugs we also advise not to place in areas where there is high footfall.

Can you repeat designs?

If you see an item that has sold out I can recreate the design, however my designs are mostly hand drawn and so exact repeats are not possible.

Can you do commissions?

I do take on commissioned pieces. If you see one of my wall hangings and would like it as a rug, smaller, larger, or in a different colour this is possible, alternatively if you have a picture of a flower that you would like me to make I can also do this.


I do not recreate other peoples designs.


Please note in cases of commissions payment would need to be made up front and as per the sales policy the sale would be final. 

How are the pieces backed?

Wall hangings are felt backed and fitted with either a gold plated chain or brass/silver D Ring hooks. The hooks are either single or double, and placed in positions that will enable the wall hanging to hang flat. If you purchase a piece that has two D Ring hooks please ensure you have two points on your wall that match to the hooks.


Some of the more intricate shaped wall hangings are also fitted with plywood inserts to ensure your piece stays in position.


The rugs are backed with a black non-slip mat.

What is your environmental policy?

Most of my designs are inspired by nature, so it is important to me to do my best to be a sustainable artist that looks after our environment. I am committed to ensuring waste is kept to a minimum, I do this by using any off-cut cloth for punch needle designs and am currently collecting the wool from each piece to use for future 3D projects. Where possible I use recyclable packaging and am always looking for new ways to do better.

What kind of yarn do you use?

I use 100% acrylic wool for vibrant colour choices. The yarn is mostly purchased from charitable organisations.

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